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Deadline Extended for Instructional Program Selection

Deadline Extended for Instructional Program Selection

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Long Beach Unified School District staff have been working diligently to prepare multiple instructional options to meet the needs of students and families during the ongoing pandemic. To prepare for the upcoming school year, and to allow flexibility to respond to any changes that may be required of us based on the advice and direction of state, county and local health officials, we recently sent out a survey to families regarding their preference for an instructional program in 2020-21. The deadline to respond to this survey has been extended to Aug. 14. To clarify, all students already enrolled in our schools will remain enrolled at their site. Selections on this survey do not impact your school and special program or pathway placements. This survey simply determines your preference regarding multiple options for students, so that we can plan for staffing and master schedules. You can access the survey in ParentVUE under School of Choice and then the heading “Parents Click to Choose a Program for 2020-2021.”  If you’ve already made your selection through this process, then you can disregard this notice. However, if you’d like to change your selection, you may do so until the newly extended deadline of Aug. 14.

The easiest way to make your selection is through the ParentVue mobile app. Some families have experienced technical difficulties or delays with the desktop computer version due to heavy volume.

For families that do not complete the survey, the default option will be to have your child return to school either fully (grades K-5) or in a hybrid format (grades 6-12) once it is safe to do so.  


  • The Instructional Program Selection survey is available through ParentVue accounts in the “School of Choice” section.
  • Selections can be changed as many times as needed until the deadline.
  • All students will start online until state, county and local health officials, in consultation with the school district deem it safe for students to return to school.

View the instructional model options for elementary, middle and high schools here.

Application Instructions

Frequently Asked Questions About Instructional Program Choices

Why does the selection require a one-year commitment?

Having families make a one-year selection will minimize student disruptions when we can safely return to campuses. Knowing family preferences allows us to build master schedules that will reduce disruptions for students, limiting mid-year teacher and course changes. In this way, the student will have a consistent schedule (ie., the same teacher and courses) for the entire school year.

What happens if I change my mind at the semester, or anytime after students return to campuses?

We will have a process in place whereby parents can ask to change the option for their child at a later date. However, future changes in program models may require a change in a student’s teacher. For example, if a class of 30 students all selected an online option, we would place those students together with Teacher A at the start of the school year. However, if at a later date, 10 of those families changed their mind and requested an in-person model, they would need to be placed with Teacher B on a school campus while the rest of their classmates remained in an online model with Teacher A.

Does my selection remove my child from their school or program of choice?

No. This selection only impacts how you will receive instruction for the 2020-21 school year. It does not impact your assigned site or program of choice. For example, if you are a Poly PACE student, and you choose the full year virtual or APEX model, you will still be a Poly PACE student and will not lose your spot in the program.

How does the online program for GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) classes differ from other classes?

GATE support will still be provided within both in-person and online models. Teachers in both models will implement strategies to accelerate student learning and meet the needs of our highest achieving students.

Who will teach the online programs?

All of the online virtual and independent study (APEX) courses will be taught by highly qualified, credentialed 菠菜网lol正规平台 teachers.

Is APEX independent study or homeschool? Who is expected to teach APEX courses?

APEX is an independent study model for the 2020-21 school year. Students who select that model will be supported by, and have regular communication with a credentialed teacher. While parent support is critical for any instructional model, the program is taught by 菠菜网lol正规平台 teachers.  

How are you addressing the issue of children spending too much time on computer screens?

In Distance Learning, we are training teachers how to use online instruction time for active engagement that includes on-screen work, off-screen work (with teacher availability) and built-in breaks. For example, a 60-minute “live, synchronous” mathematics lesson may involve time observing the teacher, working off-screen in a math textbook, conversing with peers to discuss the problem, and receiving feedback from the teacher.

If I select one model, can I change my mind later?

If you change your mind after school starts, the ability of a school to grant the request will be dependent upon space availability within the model. Additionally, the change will require a new classroom and teacher at the elementary level and a new course schedule, with potentially different teachers, at the secondary level.

Is there a possibility that my child will get a teacher that is not from their school?

All efforts will be made to place students with teachers at the school of attendance. In some circumstances, an All Online, All Virtual or Independent Study course could be taught by a teacher in a different school that follows the same schedule. The student’s school of attendance remains the same.

Will Physical Education and electives be available within the All Virtual model? 

P.E. will be available within the All Virtual model. Electives will also be available, but may be limited, depending on the number of students that request the All Virtual option. Other elective options may be available through LBCC or APEX.  

How will this virtual learning experience differ from the virtual learning that took place last spring? 

The All Online or All Virtual model will be vastly different than what most students experienced in the spring. First, the model replicates the traditional in-person experience by providing a full day of online learning. Students will experience live, online lessons that engage them in active learning. There will be a significant shift from the assigning and completion of work to actively engaging students in direct instruction and inquiry lessons that promote student thinking, collaboration and discussion. Finally, all students will receive feedback and grades on their work.

Frequently Asked Questions About Eventually Returning to School In Person

What are some of the health and safety precautions that would be taken upon a return to in-person instruction at school?

The health and safety of our students, staff and families is of the utmost importance. On-campus school will look much different than in previous years due to new health and safety measures. Current planning to reopen schools is based on the latest guidance from public health officials and state agencies and will be updated as the situation evolves. Examples of health and safety measures include required face coverings for staff and students, health screenings, frequent cleaning and disinfection and social distancing.

My child is enrolled in GATE. If we choose the full-year online option, will they have the same instructors?

When students are safely able to return to school in person, there will be some re-distribution of students and teachers to meet the requests of parents for online versus in-person options. The online program will still be taught by a GATE-trained teacher.

What are the guidelines for the school being able to be open by the local health officials?

The State of California has determined that schools and school districts may reopen for in person instruction if they are located in a local health jurisdiction that has not been on the county monitoring list within the prior 14 days.

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